The PCC is affiliated with Ontario Cycling (OC). We follow all policy guidelines from OC with the goal of providing a professional and well organized club.
We understand the number of policies can be seen to be overwhelming, but they do provide a foundation for all our decisions and the operations of the club. OC and the insurance coverage provided for the club and its members on club rides and activities is based on the club adopting these policies.
All members must conduct themselves within these policies and guidelines.
All PCC Members must read and adhere to this guide. It contains ride formations, etiquette, and all policies.
Guidelines for our Ride Leaders.
The application, rights, conditions and obligations for membership within the PCC.
All members must follow the Concussion Guidelines.
The content of these policies are summarized or otherwise included in the Rider Participant and Ride Leader guides.
They are provided here for quick reference and remain the actual policy document (what we follow).
These documents are related to the operation of the such as the PCC, Bylaws and AGM minutes.
Bring people together on bikes.
The PCC is a member-driven cycling community which encourages, inspires, and educates. The PCC provides rides, skills development, competitive, and social events that promote the love of cycling for the greater Peterborough community.
Volunteering – The ongoing success of the Peterborough cycling club depends on valued volunteers who give freely of their time, experience and expertise.
Respect and Relationships
– We foster positive relationships through respect; within our membership and within our community, between cyclists and other users of the roads and pathways.
Excellence in Leadership – Leadership from our ride leaders, volunteers, and board members that is informed and dedicated to the safe enjoyment of cycling for our members and the entire community.
Inclusive – All levels of riders and types of cycling are encouraged within the PCC.
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For Ride Leaders
Within the membership of Peterborough Cycling Club, a Ride Leader/Co-Leader is more than just one of the riders in a group of cyclists. A Ride Leader/ Co- Leader is the key individual who ensures that the ride participants are as safe as they can be, and that the Club operates safely.
The PCC is dedicated to ensuring a safe and positive environment by making individuals aware that there is an expectation, at all times, of appropriate behaviour consistent with the PCC’s core values.