Ride Well. Smile Often.
Bring People together on bikes.
The ongoing success of the Peterborough cycling club depends on valued volunteers who give freely of their time, experience and expertise.
The people below almost always can use a little support... a simple thank you is appreciated, but you can always take over some tasks, or their position!
PCC Executive, Voting
The President is the organizational leader of the PCC and has overall responsibility for the club’s administration. The President facilitates effective board meetings and coordinates tasks performed by the Board of Directors.
Seems pretty easy!
How you can help?
I think most President's have Executive Assistants, this would be great.
Seriously the president role would be much more manageable with a couple of 'key people' that would deal with issues as they arise. Our President is swamped with small things that add up to something big - we want to make being President a more manageable commitment.
PCC Executive, Voting
The Vice President acts in the absence or incapacity of the President, addresses disciplinary issues on behalf of the Board of Directors and coordinates the membership of the PCC.
How can you help?
Transfering new members to the CycleClub app is a regular task that could be split among a few people aleviating the VP.
The next biggest issue is discipline issues and following up on compliants, while infrequent they are unpleasant. Everyone can help by following the Rider Guide, riding in a safe and considerate manner to the group, and extending goodwill to each other - this would eliminate any issues here!
PCC Executive, Voting
The Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer for the PCC. The Treasurer’s main functions are to keep track of income and expenses and prepare financial reports.
How can you Help?
There are not tasks that can be split off, but we can help by limiting the extra work of cheque writing.
PCC Executive, Voting
The Secretary is an officer of the PCC and responsible for providing routine clerical support to the Board of Directors.
How can you Help?
The AGM is the biggest task of the year, help encouraging and collecting proxy votes and setup for the AGM in Nov.
Ride Director works with the Ride Coordinators and ride leaders to ensure our rides are safe, fun, and diverse.
How can you Help?
Probally the most time consuming part is finding members who will lead rides.
Offering to be a ride leader or coordinate one of the main ride groups (Rec, Gravel, Competitive) would be fantastic.
As a rider, the best way to help is be a good group rider. Understanding the ride editique (Rider Guidelines) of the different groups, supporting the ride leaders while riding, and helping making the rides enjoyable for all. Be a positive influence!
Communications Chair
The Communications Coordinator is responsible for the PCC’s internal and external communications.
The primary scope of the Communication Coordinator’s job is to keep the PCC’s website current, administer the PCC’s Facebook page (and any other social media) and to prepare and distribute emails and other PCC-related communication pieces to PCC members.
How can you help?
We would love to have a group of 4-6 people who make the fb and ig posts. Each doing to small portion. For example, a person for Rec-Rides, another for Competitive rides. Or it could be alternated by month.
Youth Chair
The Youth Chair is leads our Youth Program (committee) which provides specific youth cycling from bike skills development, Mountain biking, racing, and youth interation into the adult rides.
The Youth Chair along with the Youth Committee essentially runs a club for youth within the PCC. The Dirt Squad Program, Youth Race Team, and Cyclocross Youth races/practices would not be possible without all our amazing coaches.
How can you Help?
Do you have a passion for coaching and getting more youth on bikes to develop life-long cyclists? Please volunteer to coach in one of our youth programs.
Maybe you don't ride bikes but want to help amazing programming happen for kids in our community....We also need help with land permit applications, group/practice planning, acquiring volunteer paperwork, photography, and social media posts.
Cyclecross Coordinator
Individual Ride Coordinators
There are individual ride coordinators for each category of rides; Rec, Gravel, Tempo, and Competitive. Each works with Ride Director to coordinate rides and ride leader training.
These coordinators help create cohesive and consident rides, and ideally a community within the category.
PBAC Liaison
Sits on PBAC board as a representative of the PCC and shares information about the PCC concerns with PBAC.
PTA Liason
Shares information between PTA and PCC.
Send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.