PCC Launch Night - March 26, 2025 - 6:30
Wild Rock Outfitters
The Peterborough Cycling Club — a locally-based, volunteer-run, non-profit organization affiliated with the Ontario Cycling Association. The club offers rides most days of the week, covering a wide range of fitness and abilities and offering its members great opportunities for skill enhancement and socializing. From casual-paced to competitive road cycling; mountain bikes to time-trialling to cyclocross, we work to appeal to all interests and age groups.
To join click the link below and register at CCN. We are affiliated with Ontario Cycling (OC) and you will require an OC licence as well. The base Community Membership is sufficient for all club activities.
Please support our sponsors.
They support the PCC not just financially but often provide people and other resources that makes our club strong and active.
Wild Rock Outfitters is our local outdoor sports store, bike shop, & adventure hub. They've been dedicated to empowering our community to Go Out and Play for over 30 years
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Our goal at Optimal Health Physiotherapy is to provide excellent physiotherapy services at every stage of your rehabilitation. We can help you improve your function whether you injured yourself yesterday, have a chronic condition or are looking for an exercise program.
Three of our therapists are PCC members: physios Rose Harrison and Kathy Eggenberger, and massage therapist John Hauser. We are familiar with the stresses placed on your body from cycling, and cycling related injuries.
The Peterborough Cycling Club runs on volunteers. There are lots of ways to contribute from board members, committee members, ride leaders, or helping with events, we can use a hand.
Ride Leaders
It is all about the rides. Ride Leaders, or co-leaders are critical to the club. A Ride Leader decides and posts the routes, start time & place, and leads the group on the ride. Ultimately they are responsible for the group safety but also that the rides are fun.
As a Ride Leader you get to pick all aspects of your ride - day, time, speed, frequency (not all rides have to run every week or for the full season). Are you looking for a ride we don't offer? Why not become a ride leader and get it going?
You can also be a co-leader and help other ride leaders if you do not want to take on the full responsibility.
Board and Committee Members
We have a number of board positions that provide the overall club organization and keep the club operational. We meet 8 times a years (skipping most of the summer) and terms are 2-3 years. Overall effort varies based on the position and time of year. There is a surprising amount of work to be done each year for the club to be successful.
There are a number of committees, Ride, Youth, CX, HunTer Fondo, and others that can use some help.
A good group of people sharing the work, makes it fun, rewarding, and no single position is overbearing.